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Version: v11.0.0



Hook used to access data fetched by an earlier call to loadQuery or with the help of useQueryLoader. This implements the "render-as-you-fetch" pattern:

  • Call the loadQuery callback returned from useQueryLoader. This will store a query reference in React state.
    • You can also call the imported loadQuery directly, which returns a query reference. In that case, store the item in state or in a React ref, and call dispose() on the value when you are no longer using it.
  • Then, in your render method, consume the query reference with usePreloadedQuery(). This call will suspend if the query is still pending, throw an error if it failed, and otherwise return the query results.
  • This pattern is encouraged over useLazyLoadQuery() as it can allow fetching data earlier while not blocking rendering.

For more information, see the Rendering Queries guide.

import type {AppQuery as AppQueryType} from 'AppQuery.graphql';

const React = require('React');

const {graphql, useQueryLoader, usePreloadedQuery} = require('react-relay');

const AppQuery = graphql`
query AppQuery($id: ID!) {
user(id: $id) {

type Props = {
initialQueryRef: PreloadedQuery<AppQueryType>,

function NameLoader(props) {
const [queryReference, loadQuery] = useQueryLoader(
props.initialQueryRef, /* e.g. provided by router */

return (<>
onClick={() => loadQuery({id: '4'})}
disabled={queryReference != null}
Reveal your name!
<Suspense fallback="Loading...">
{queryReference != null
? <NameDisplay queryReference={queryReference} />
: null

function NameDisplay({ queryReference }) {
const data = usePreloadedQuery<AppQueryType>(AppQuery, queryReference);

return <h1>{data.user?.name}</h1>;


  • query: GraphQL query specified using a graphql template literal.
  • preloadedQueryReference: A PreloadedQuery query reference, which can be acquired from useQueryLoader or by calling loadQuery() .

Flow Type Parameters​

  • TQuery: Type parameter that should correspond to the Flow type for the specified query. This type is available to import from the the auto-generated file: <query_name>.graphql.js.

Return Value​

  • data: Object that contains data which has been read out from the Relay store; the object matches the shape of specified query.
    • The Flow type for data will also match this shape, and contain types derived from the GraphQL Schema. For example, the type of data above is: { user: ?{ name: ?string } }.

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