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Version: v14.0.0

@required Directive

@required is a directive you can add to fields in your Relay queries to declare how null values should be handled at runtime. You can think of it as saying "if this field is ever null, its parent field is invalid and should be null".

When you have a GraphQL schema where many fields are nullable, a considerable amount of product code is needed to handle each field's potential "nullness" before the underlying data can be used. With @required, Relay can handle some types of null checks before it returns data to your component, which means that any field you annotate with @required will become non-nullable in the generated types for your response.

If a @required field is null at runtime, Relay will "bubble" that nullness up to the field's parent. For example, given this query:

query MyQuery {
viewer {
name @required(action: LOG)

If name is null, relay would return { viewer: null }. You can think of @required in this instance as saying "viewer is useless without a name".


The @required directive has a required action argument which has three possible values:

NONE (expected)​

This field is expected to be null sometimes.

LOG (recoverable)​

This value is not expected to ever be null, but the component can still render if it is. If a field with action: LOG is null, the Relay environment logger will receive an event that looks like this:

name: 'read.missing_required_field',
owner: string, // MyFragmentOrQueryName
fieldPath: string, //

THROW (unrecoverable)​

This value should not be null, and the component cannot render without it. If a field with action: THROW is null at runtime, the component which reads that field will throw during render. The error message includes both the owner and field path. Only use this option if your component is contained within an error boundary.


A field's @required status is local to the fragment where it is specified. This allows you to add/remove the directive without having to think about anything outside the scope of your component.

This choice reflects the fact that some components may be able to recover better from missing data than others. For example, a <RestaurantInfo /> component could probably render something sensible even if the restaurant's address is missing, but a <RestaurantLocationMap /> component might not.



@required directives can be chained to make a deeply nested field accessible after just one null check:

const user = useFragment(graphql`
fragment MyUser on User {
name @required(action: LOG)
profile_picture @required(action: LOG) {
url @required(action: LOG)
}`, key);
if(user == null) {
return null;
return <img src={user.profile_picture.url} alt={} />

Note: If you use @required on a top level field of a fragment, the object returned from useFragment itself may become nullable. The generated types will reflect this.


Why did @required make a non-nullable field/root nullable?​

When using the LOG or NONE actions, Relay will "bubble" a missing field up to its parent field or fragment root. This means that adding @required(action: LOG) (for example) to a child of a non-nullable fragment root will cause the type of the fragment root to become nullable.

What happens if you use @required in a plural field​

If a @required(action: LOG) field is missing in a plural field, the item in the list will be returned as null. It will not cause the entire array to become null.. If you have any question about how it will behave, you can inspect the generated Flow types.

Why are @required fields in an inline fragment still nullable?​

Imagine a fragment like this:

fragment MyFrag on Actor {
... on User {
name @required(action: THROW)

It's possible that your Actor will not be at User and therefore not include a name. To represent that in types, we generate a Flow type that looks like this: {name?: string}.

If you encounter this issue, you can add a __typename like this:

fragment MyFrag on Actor {
... on User {
name @required(action: THROW)

In this situation Relay will generate a union type like: {__typename: 'User', name: string} | {__typename: '%ignore this%}. Now you can check the __typename field to narrow your object's type down to one that has a non-nullable name.

Why not implement this at the schema/server level?​

The "requiredness" of a field is actually a product decision and not a schema question. Therefore we need to implement the handling of it at the product level. Individual components need to be able to decide for themselves how to handle a missing value.

For example, if a notification is trying to show the price for a Marketplace listing, it could probably just omit the price and still render. If payment flow for that same listing is missing the price, it should probably blow up.

Another issue is that changes to the server schema are much more difficult to ship since they affect all existing clients across all platforms.

Basically every value returned by Relay is nullable. This is intentional since we want to be able to handle field-level errors whenever possible. If we lean into KillsParentOnException we would end up wanting to make basically every field use it and our apps would be becomes more brittle since errors which used to be small, become large.

Can (action: NONE) be the default?​

On one hand action: NONE makes the most sense as a default (omitted action == no action). However, we are aware that whichever value we choose as the default will be considered the default action for engineers to choose since it's the path of least resistance.

We actually believe that in most cases LOG is the most ideal choice. It gives the component a chance to gracefully recover while also giving us signal that a part of our app is rendering in a sub-optimal way.

We debated making LOG the default action for that reason, but I think that's confusing as well.

So, for now we are planning to not offer a default argument. After all, it's still much less to write out than the equivalent manual null checks. Once we see how people use it we will consider what value (if any) should be the default.