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Version: v17.0.0

Runtime Functions

This page documents the runtime functions associated with Relay Resolvers. For an overview of Relay Resolvers and how to think about them, see the Relay Resolvers guide.


To use Relay Resolvers you must use our experimental Relay Store implementation LiveResolverStore imported from relay-runtime/lib/store/experimental-live-resolvers/LiveResolverStore. It behaves identically to the default Relay Store but also supports Relay Resolvers.

It exposes one additional user-facing method batchLiveStateUpdates(). See Live Fields for more details of how to use this method.


Derived resolver fields model data that is derived from other data in the graph. To read the data that a derived field depends on, they must use the readFragment() function which is exported from relay-runtime. This function accepts a GraphQL fragment and a fragment key, and returns the data for the fragment.


readFragment() may only be used in Relay Resolvers. It will throw an error if used in any other context.

import {readFragment} from "relay-runtime";

* @RelayResolver User.fullName: String
* @rootFragment UserFullNameFragment
export function fullName(key: UserFullNameFragment$key): string {
const user = readFragment(graphql`
fragment UserFullNameFragment on User {
`, key);
return `${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}`;

Note that Relay will ensure your field resolver is recomputed any time data in that fragment changes.

See the Derived Fields guide for more information.


Live resolvers model client state that can change over time. If at some point during that field's lifecycle, the data being read is in a pending state, for example if the data is being fetched from an API, the resolver may return the suspenseSentinel() to indicate that the data is not yet available.

Relay expects that when the data is available, the LiveStateValue will notify Relay by calling the subscribe callback.

import {suspenseSentinel} from 'relay-runtime';

* @RelayResolver Query.myIp: String
* @live
export function myIp(): LiveState<string> {
return {
read: () => {
const state = store.getState();
const ipLoadObject = state.ip;
if (ipLoadObject.status === "LOADING") {
return suspenseSentinel();
return state.ip;
subscribe: (callback) => {
return store.subscribe(callback);

See the Live Fields guide for more information.


If a query contains only client fields, it may not currently be used with hooks like usePreloadedQuery and useLazyLoadQuery since both of those hooks assume they will need to issue a network request. If you attempt to use these APIs in Flow you will get a type error.

Instead, for client-only queries, you can use the useClientQuery hook:

import {useClientQuery} from 'react-relay';

export function MyComponent() {
const data = useClientQuery(graphql`
query MyQuery {
return <div>{data.myIp}</div>;