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observeFragment is still an experimental API. It currently has some limitations and may evolve slightly during this phase.


In some cases it can be useful to define data that you wish to read using a GraphQL fragment, but then consume it outside of React render function. observeFragment allows you to consume the state and value of a fragment as it changes over time. This includes loading and error states as well as changes to the data as it gets updated by local updates, mutations or updates to Relay's normalized store from other queries.

To read a fragment's data just once, see waitForFragmentData.


import {observeFragment} from "relay-runtime/experimental";
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useFragment } from "react-relay";
import { graphql } from "relay-runtime";

function MyComponent({ key }) {
const user = useFragment(
fragment UserFragment on User {

// Update the title as the user's name changes without triggering rerenders.
useEffect(() => {
const subscription = observeFragment(
fragment TitleFragment on User {
).subscribe(result => {
switch(result.kind) {
case "loading":
window.title = "...loading";
case "error":
window.title = "Oops, we hit an error";
case "ok":
window.title = `Welcome ${}`;
return () => {
}, [user]);

return <div>Check out the document title!</div>;


  • environment: IEnvironment. A Relay environment.
  • fragment: GraphQL fragment specified using a graphql template literal.
  • fragmentReference: The fragment reference is an opaque Relay object that Relay uses to read the data for the fragment from the store; more specifically, it contains information about which particular object instance the data should be read from.
    • The type of the fragment reference can be imported from the generated Flow types, from the file <fragment_name>.graphql.js, and can be used to declare the type of your Props. The name of the fragment reference type will be: <fragment_name>$key. We use our lint rule to enforce that the type of the fragment reference prop is correctly declared.

Return Value​

  • An Observable which returns a discriminated union modeling the three possible states in which a fragment's data might be:
    • {state: 'ok', value: T} - When data is avalaible the state is 'ok'. T is the data defined in the fragment.
    • {state: 'error': error: Error} - When the fragment is in an error state either due to network level errors, @throwOnFieldError or @required(action: THROW) field errors.
    • {state: 'loading'} - When the parent request, or current @defer payload is still in flight, or a @live Relay Resolver being read is in a suspended state.

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