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Version: v18.0.0

Organizing Mutations, Queries, and Subscriptions

Relay Operations (Mutations, Queries, and Subscriptions) have strict naming requirements. The operation name must begin with the module name, and end with the GraphQL operation type. The name also must be globally unique.

Side note: This naming scheme originates from trying to enforce the uniqueness constraint. At Meta, Haste (a dependency management system for static resources) enforces that all module names are unique to derive sensible globally unique Relay names. Coupling the module name and Relay name also makes it easier to locate a fragment/query/mutation if you know that name. This makes sense within Meta, and may be less sensible in an OSS setting.

For example:

  1. A Mutation in the file MyComponent.js must be named with the scheme MyComponent[MyDescriptiveNameHere]Mutation.
  2. A Query in the file MyComponent.react.js must be named with the scheme MyComponent*Query.

A NewsFeed component may have mutations/queries that shouldn't logically start with NewsFeed, but Relay requires this if they are defined in that file.

Put Mutations in their own hook module so the name is closer to what the mutation does rather than which component invokes it. If the module name is correctly descriptive, it is fine to declare it in the same file.

If you are adding a Mutation for Post, like adding a comment to a post, you may create a new file titled useAddPostComment.js. Your mutation (in this file) will then be named useAddPostCommentMutation, which is a perfectly descriptive name.

You may consider putting all of these hooks in a dedicated hooks directory.

Root components should have a single query that is tightly coupled to a component, since it describes that component's data dependencies. Queries and fragments should co-locate with their data-use code.