Upgrading to Relay Hooks
Relay Hooks is a set of new Hooks-based APIs for using Relay with React that improves upon the existing container-based APIs.
In this we will cover how to start using Relay Hooks, what you need to know about compatibility, and how to migrate existing container-based code to Hooks if you choose to do so. However, note that migrating existing code to Relay Hooks is not required, and container-based code will continue to work.
Accessing Relay Hooks​
Make sure the latest versions of React and Relay are installed, and that you’ve followed additional setup in our Installation & Setup guide:
yarn add react react-dom react-relay
Then, you can import Relay Hooks from the react-relay
module, or if you only want to include Relay Hooks in your bundle, you can import them from react-relay/hooks
import {graphql, useFragment} from 'react-relay'; // or 'react-relay/hooks'
// ...
Next Steps​
Check out the following guides in this section:
For more documentation on the APIs themselves, check out our API Reference or our Guided Tour.