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Version: v6.0.0

Quick Start Guide

In this guide we are going to give a brief overview of how Relay works and how to use it, using as reference an example todo list app. For more thorough documentation, check out our Guides and API sections.

Table of Contents:


Before starting, make sure to check out our Prerequisites and Installation and Setup guides. As mentioned in the prerequisites, we need to make sure that we've set up a GraphQL server and schema.

Fortunately, we are going to be using this example todo list app, which already has a server and schema available for us to use:

# From schema.graphql

type Query {
viewer: User

# Fetches an object given its ID
# The ID of an object
id: ID!
): Node

Additionally, we will be using Flow inside our JavaScript code examples. Flow is optional to set up in your project, but we will include it in our examples for completeness.

Relay Environment​

Before we can start rendering pixels on the screen, we need to configure Relay via a Relay Environment. The environment bundles together the configuration, cache storage, and network-handling that Relay needs in order to operate.

For the purposes of our example, we are simply going to configure our environment to communicate with our existing GraphQL server:

import {
} from 'relay-runtime';

function fetchQuery(
) {
return fetch('/graphql', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
query: operation.text,
}).then(response => {
return response.json();

const environment = new Environment({
network: Network.create(fetchQuery),
store: new Store(new RecordSource()),

export default environment;

A Relay Environment requires at least a Store and a Network Layer. The above code uses the default implementation for Store, and creates a Network Layer using a simple fetchQuery function to fetch a GraphQL query from our server.

Usually we'd want a single environment in our app, so you could export this environment as a singleton instance from a module to make it accessible across your app.

Rendering GraphQL Queries​

Now that we've configured our Relay Environment, we can start fetching queries and rendering data on the screen. The entry point to render data from a GraphQL query is the QueryRenderer component provided by react-relay.

To start, let's assume we just want to render the user id on the screen. From our schema, we know that we can get the current User via the viewer field, so let's write a sample query to fetch the current user id:

query UserQuery {
viewer {

Now, let's see what it would take to create a component that fetches and renders the above query:

// App.js
import React from 'react';
import {graphql, QueryRenderer} from 'react-relay';

const environment = // defined or imported above...

export default class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
query UserQuery {
viewer {
render={({error, props}) => {
if (error) {
return <div>Error!</div>;
if (!props) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
return <div>User ID: {}</div>;

Our app is rendering a QueryRenderer in the above code, like any other React Component, but let's see what's going on in the props that we are passing to it:

  • We're passing the environment we defined earlier.
  • We're using the graphql function to define our GraphQL query. graphql is a template tag that is never executed at runtime, but rather used by the Relay Compiler to generate the runtime artifacts that Relay requires to operate. We don't need to worry about this right now; for more details check out our GraphQL in Relay docs.
  • We're passing an empty set of variables. We'll look into how to use variables in the next section.
  • We're passing a render function; as you can tell from the code, Relay gives us some information about whether an error occurred, or if we're still fetching the query. If everything succeeds, the data we requested will be available inside props, with the same shape as the one specified in the query.

In order to run this app, we need to first compile our query using the Relay Compiler. Assuming the setup from Installation and Setup, we can just run yarn relay.

For more details on QueryRenderer, check out the docs.

Using Query Variables​

Let's assume for a moment that in our app we want to be able to view data for different users, so we're going to somehow need to query users by id. From our schema, we know we can query nodes given an id, so let's write a parameterized query to get a user by id:

query UserQuery($userID: ID!) {
node(id: $userID) {

Now, let's see how we would fetch the above query using a QueryRenderer:

// UserTodoList.js
// @flow
import React from 'react';
import {graphql, QueryRenderer} from 'react-relay';

const environment = // defined or imported above...

type Props = {
userID: string,

export default class UserTodoList extends React.Component<Props> {
render() {
const {userID} = this.props;

return (
query UserQuery($userID: ID!) {
node(id: $userID) {
render={({error, props}) => {
if (error) {
return <div>Error!</div>;
if (!props) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
return <div>User ID: {}</div>;

The above code is doing something very similar to our previous example. However, we are now passing a $userID variable to the GraphQL query via the variables prop. This has a couple of important implications:

  • Given that userID is also a prop that our component takes, it could receive a new userID from its parent component at any moment. When this happens, new variables will be passed down to our QueryRenderer, which will automatically cause it to re-fetch the query with the new value for $userID.
  • The $userID variable will now be available anywhere inside that query. This will become important to keep in mind when using fragments.

Now that we've updated the query, don't forget to run yarn relay.

Using Fragments​

Now that we know how to define and fetch queries, let's actually start building a todo list.

First, let's start at the bottom. Suppose that we want to render a component that simply displays a given todo item's text and completed state:

// Todo.js
import React from 'react';

type Props = {
todo: {
complete: boolean,
text: string,

export default class Todo extends React.Component<Props> {
render() {
const {complete, text} = this.props.todo;

return (

From our schema, we know that we can query this data on the Todo type. However, we don't want to have to send a separate query for each todo item; that would defeat the purpose of using GraphQL over a traditional REST API. We could manually query for these fields directly in our QueryRenderer query, but that would hurt re-usability: what if we want to query the same set of fields as part of a different query? Additionally, we wouldn't know which component needs the data we're querying, which is a problem Relay directly tries to address.

Instead, we can define a reusable Fragment, which allows us to define a set of fields on a type and reuse them within our queries wherever we need to:

fragment TodoItemFragment on Todo {

Our component can then use this fragment to declare its data dependency on the Todo GraphQL type:

// Todo.js

// OPTIONAL: Flow type generated after running `yarn relay`, defining an Object type with shape of the fragment:
import type {Todo_todo} from './__generated__/Todo_todo.graphql';

import React from 'react';
import {graphql, createFragmentContainer} from 'react-relay'

type Props = {
todo: Todo_todo

class Todo extends React.Component<Props> {
render() {
const {complete, text} = this.props.todo;

return (

export default createFragmentContainer(
// Each key specified in this object will correspond to a prop available to the component
todo: graphql`
# As a convention, we name the fragment as '<ComponentFileName>_<propName>'
fragment Todo_todo on Todo {

The above code highlights one of Relay's most important principles which is colocation of components with their data dependencies. This is beneficial for a few reasons:

  • It becomes obvious at a glance what data is required to render a given component, without having to search which query in our app is fetching the required data.
  • As a corollary, the component is de-coupled from the query that renders it. We can change the data dependencies for the component without having to update the queries that render them or worrying about breaking other components.

Check out our Thinking in Relay guide for more details behind Relay's principles.

Before proceeding, don't forget to run the Relay Compiler with yarn relay.

Composing Fragments​

Given that Fragment Containers are just React components, we can compose them as such. We can even re-use fragment containers within other fragment containers. As an example, let's see how we would define a TodoList component that just renders a list of todo items, and whether all have been completed or not:

// TodoList.js

// OPTIONAL: Flow type generated after running `yarn relay`, defining an Object type with shape of the fragment:
import type {TodoList_userTodoData} from './__generated__/TodoList_userTodoData.graphql';

import React from 'react';
import {graphql, createFragmentContainer} from 'react-relay';

type Props = {
userTodoData: TodoList_userTodoData,

class TodoList extends React.Component<Props> {
render() {
const {userTodoData: {totalCount, completedCount, todos}} = this.props;

return (
checked={totalCount === completedCount}
{ =>
// We pass the data required by Todo here

export default createFragmentContainer(
userTodoData: graphql`
# As a convention, we name the fragment as '<ComponentFileName>_<PropName>'
fragment TodoList_userTodoData on User {
first: 2147483647 # max GraphQLInt, to fetch all todos
) {
edges {
node {
# We use the fragment defined by the child Todo component here

As with the first fragment container we defined, TodoList declares it's data dependencies via a fragment. However, this component additionally re-uses the fragment previously defined by the Todo component, and passes the appropriate data when rendering the child Todo components (a.k.a. fragment containers).

One final thing to note when composing fragment containers is that the parent will not have access to the data defined by the child container. Relay only allows components to access data they specifically ask for in GraphQL fragments — nothing more. This is called Data Masking, and it's intentional to prevent components from depending on data they didn't declare as a dependency.

Rendering Fragments​

Now that we have some components (a.k.a fragment containers) that declare their data dependencies, we need to hook them up to a QueryRenderer so that the data is actually fetched and rendered. Remember, fragment containers do not directly fetch data. Instead, containers declare a specification of the data needed to render, and Relay guarantees that this data is available before rendering.

A QueryRenderer rendering these fragment containers could look like the following:

// ViewerTodoList.js
import React from 'react';
import {graphql, QueryRenderer} from 'react-relay';
import TodoList from './TodoList'

const environment = // defined or imported above...

export default class ViewerTodoList extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
query ViewerQuery {
viewer {
# Re-use the fragment here
render={({error, props}) => {
if (error) {
return <div>Error!</div>;
if (!props) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
return (
<div>Todo list for User {}:</div>
<TodoList userTodoData={props.viewer} />

Check out our docs for Fragment Containers for more details, and our guides on Refetch and Pagination for more advanced usage of containers.

Mutating Data​

Now that we know how to query for and render data, let's move on to changing our data. We know that to change any data in our server, we need to use GraphQL Mutations.

From our schema, we know that we have some mutations available to us, so let's start by writing a mutation to change the complete status of a given todo item (i.e. mark or unmark it as done):

mutation ChangeTodoStatusMutation($input: ChangeTodoStatusInput!) {
changeTodoStatus(input: $input) {
todo {

This mutation allows us to query back some data as a result of the mutation, so we're going to query for the updated complete status on the todo item.

In order to execute this mutation in Relay, we're going to write a new mutation using Relay's commitMutation api:

// ChangeTodoStatusMutation.js
import {graphql, commitMutation} from 'react-relay';

// We start by defining our mutation from above using `graphql`
const mutation = graphql`
mutation ChangeTodoStatusMutation($input: ChangeTodoStatusInput!) {
changeTodoStatus(input: $input) {
todo {

function commit(
) {
// Now we just call commitMutation with the appropriate parameters
return commitMutation(
variables: {
input: {complete, id:},

export default {commit};

Whenever we call ChangeTodoStatusMutation.commit(...), Relay will send the mutation to the server and, in our case, upon receiving a response it will automatically update the local data store with the latest data from the server. This also means that upon receiving the response, Relay will ensure that any components (i.e. containers) that depend on the updated data are re-rendered.

In order to actually use this mutation in our component, we could update our Todo component in the following way:

// Todo.js

// ...

class Todo extends React.Component<Props> {
// Add a new event handler that fires off the mutation
_handleOnCheckboxChange = (e) => {
const complete =;

render() {
// ...

// ...

Optimistic Updates​

In our example above, the complete status in our component won't be updated and re-rendered until we get a response back from the server, which won't make for a great user experience.

In order to make the experience better, we can configure our mutation to do an optimistic update. An optimistic update means immediately updating our local data with what we expect it to be if we get a successful response from the server, i.e. updating the data immediately assuming that the mutation request will succeed. If the request doesn't succeed, we can roll-back our update.

In Relay, there's a couple of options we can pass to commitMutation to enable optimistic updates. Let's see what that would look like in our ChangeTodoStatusMutation:

// ChangeTodoStatusMutation.js

// ...

function getOptimisticResponse(complete, todo) {
return {
changeTodoStatus: {
todo: {
complete: complete,

function commit(
) {
// Now we just call commitMutation with the appropriate parameters
return commitMutation(
variables: {
input: {complete, id:},
optimisticResponse: getOptimisticResponse(complete, todo),

export default {commit};

In the simplest case above, we just need to pass an optimisticResponse option, which should refer to an object having the same shape as the mutation response payload. When we pass this option, Relay will know to immediately update our local data with the optimistic response, and then update it with the actual server response or roll it back if an error occurs.

Please note that the actual query and response payload may not have the exact same shape as the selection in your code, because sometimes Relay will add extra fields for you during the compilation step, and you need to add these fields to your optimistic response. For example:

  • Relay will add an id field if it exists on the type for caching purpose.

  • Relay will add a __typename field if the type is an union or an interface.

You can inspect the network request or response to see the exact shape.

Updating local data from mutation responses​

By default, Relay will know to update the fields on the records referenced by the mutation payload, (i.e. the todo in our example). However, this is only the simplest case. In some cases updating the local data isn't as simple as just updating the fields in a record.

For instance, we might be updating a collection of items, or we might be deleting a record entirely. For these more advanced scenarios Relay allows us to pass a set of options for us to control how we update the local data from a server response, including a set of configs and an updater function for full control over the update.

For more details and advanced use cases on mutations and updates, check out our Mutations docs.

Next Steps​

This guide just scratches the surface of Relay's API. For more detailed docs and guides, check out our API Reference and Guides sections.